All escorts usually speak at least Spanish and another language, either English or the language of their country of origin.
Many of the escorts come from Brazil, so Portuguese is a language you will find quite easily.
Besides, it is easy to find escorts coming from Eastern countries, so you can also communicate with escorts who speak Russian or other Balkan languages.
You will also be able to meet escorts who speak other European languages, such as French, Italian, German…
Why choose an escort who speaks other languages
The advantage of being accompanied by an escort who speaks a European language will be especially useful if, for instance, you have a business trip to a foreign country and you don’t want to go alone, since it will be very helpful for you to travel with an escort who can communicate perfectly in the language of that country.
If, on the other hand, you have a meeting or event with a partner or a client from another country, an escort with the same nationality as him can help you look great in his presence.