Threesome sex

One of the most common sexual fantasies in both men and women is to have a threesome sex, although it must be recognized that it is a more common fantasy in men and especially among young men. But many women also fantasize about having a threesome with their partner and another man or another woman.

It is a practice that hundreds of couples have tried at some time and many others have fantasized about it.

Threesomes sex that men like

Practically 100% of men have thought about having a threesome at some point in their lives. And many of them, if they have had the opportunity, have done it. But the question to men would be: Would your partner participate in that threesome you fantasize about, the most common answer is that they prefer their partner to participate, but it is not an indispensable condition.

Sexo en trío con 2 mujeres y un hombres

What all men agree on, unlike women, is that the ideal threesome sex is one man with two women. In fact, the opposite case, two men with one woman, many do not like it and would not do it even if the opportunity arose.

In many cases of stable couples, they consider the possibility of trying it. The first setback arises when the man wants a threesome of two women with him, and the woman proposes the opposite: two men with her. Once the couple agrees on the type of threesome they want to try, the following doubts arise: What rules should we set, who should be the third person, a friend or better a stranger, or maybe a professional paid person (a luxury gigolo or a luxury escort). It is important to make all these questions very clear so that the experience is satisfactory.


Threesomes sex that women like

Unlike men, women are more open to the type of threesome they would like to try. They can accept either a male or female third person. Many even prefer to try a woman first as they have bi-curious tendencies.
As for the rules, the woman is usually the one who wants to set all the rules to agree to the threesome, and usually the woman prefers the third person to be a stranger.

Sexo en trío con dos hombres y una mujer

Women want to make it very clear to their partners to make sure that they do not mix feelings or look for infatuation, that it is only and only about sex.

Women are more concerned than men about mutual agreement and matching tastes as they are more concerned than men that everything goes well for all three participants. Men are more improvisational and women prefer to have everything discussed and agreed upon before starting.

Some experiences in threesomes sex

MonikI have enough experience in doing threesomes since the first one I did went so well that I became fond of it. I like to do threesomes with a stable couple, and if they are beginners better because that way they let me take the initiative and teach them. If you are a little (or a lot) bisexual to have a man and a woman ready for everything with you is a wonder that everyone should try. I have also tried threesomes with two men, but those have not always worked out as I expected. I’ll tell you about some of them some other time.”

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